The files in this folder are sets of keys we have defined as examples for special purposes. Open these files with QuicKeys 2™, then copy then into either the Universal keyset or an application keyset.
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Alias Keyset
There are some applications that have defined function keys on the keyboard. Examples include Terminal emulators such as MicroPhone™ or computer emulators like SoftPC™. You can turn off QuicKeys 2 when you go into this program or you could load the Alias keyset found in the Sample Keyset folder.
The Alias keyset contains aliases for every key on the keyboard. This will let you use the key that the program has assigned instead of the key defined in the Universal keyset. Open the Alias keyset, then select the Alias QuicKeys that you need and paste them into the application's keyset.
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Dvorak Keyset
This keyset will turn your Macintosh keyboard into the Dvorak configuration. (These keys can be installed as either part of your universal keyset or as part of an application's keyset.)
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More Universal Keys
This keyset (to be installed as “Universal”) contains QuicKeys which will select the various programs that can be accessed through the Control Panel. It also has suggested keys for other common QuicKeys 2 commands.
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"Screen Ease" Keys
This keyset contains some examples showing how you can use Screen Ease™ to change your monitor's display characteristics.
QuicKeys, QuicKeys 2, TAA, Technical Assistance Assistant, Tiles, CEToolbox, DialogKeys, QuickMail, DiskTop, Extension Manager, Heap Fixer, Type Ease, Paste Ease, Grab Ease, Screen Ease, Speak Ease, Mounty, Choosy, DisMounty, and CEIAC are trademarks of CE Software, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
CE Software, Inc.
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Iowa 50265 U.S.A.
(515) 224-1995
FAX: (515) 224-4534
QuickMail: (515) 224-1721
Technical Support: (515) 224-1953
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